Jiří ProcházkaArticles

Jiří ProcházkaArticles


Passing null to props in Vue (with Typescript)

last year - 5 min read #vue

As I'm going through numerous forums and reddit, I see this as a pretty common question:

How to pass null to props?


Props are the main way how to pass data to child components.

// MyComponent.vue
<script setup lang="ts">
  value: {
    type: String
    {{ value }}


// this will render <div>Hello World!</div>
<MyComponent value="Hello World" />

As the prop is not marked as required: true, you can pass nothing there and it will be still a valid scenario here - the prop will be undefined and no text will be rendered.

But null? No, it is not nor string nor undefined so it is not a valid value here.

Passing null to prop

When you need to pass null to the prop, the first - and to be honest a logic - thing would be:

<script setup lang="ts">
  value: {
    type: [String, Null]

But it is not working that way! - don't ask me why..

The correct way

<script setup lang="ts">
  value: {
    type: null as unknown as PropType<string | null>,
    default: null,
    required: false

That's it..

Well, it's a bit weird way how to define a prop accepting a null, but it is working and compiler is not complaining.

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